Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh Logistics...

So determining the order of the journal is headache inducing!  I nearly have the order for the first journal complete, I just need two more people leaving between January and June (working on getting a Thailander!)

These first few are pretty definite since I need to include a list of the first few addresses in the book itself:
1) Jessica in Zambia
2) Liz in Uganda
3) Renee in Malawi
4) Emily in Senegal
5) Ryan in Morocco

From there it will most like travel out of Africa and to South America to meet up with Miss Strix and our C/S America PCVs, then to Eastern Europe and Asia, and then back to Africa for the second group of Africa volunteers.

After looking at time frames and trying to estimate how long it may take to ship between countries, each person will basically need to ship the book one week after getting it in order to keep things on track AND account for mail mishaps.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're going to expand...

So there is quite some excitement about this little project we have going here! In addition to getting e-mails and messages from those wanting to participate, I was also messaged by Travis Hellstrom who wrote The Unofficial Peace Corps Handbook offering help if needed. Then there is Amy, the Peace Corps recruiter on the University of Florida campus who has offered to help and try find additional invitees.  Originally, I thought it would be nifty to do 50 PCVs in 50 Countries since we are all heading out during the 50th year of the Peace Corps.  But alas, that would make for too large of a journal!  Two volumes though?  So doable! 

The thing is, I am going to need some help.  I need one person who will be serving in a country where internet access is pretty easily accessible to coordinate the second journal.  This means you will need to keep in touch with other PCVs as far as keeping track of who has the book and where it is, in addition to handling the addresses said PCVs.  If you are interested, please e-mail me and we can talk about it!  Thanks Emily J!

21 down, 29 more to find!

In the beginning, there was a first post!

Which totally makes sense!

With the journal project coming together so nicely, it was high time it got its own little piece of the internet and so this blog was created!

So why has this project been dubbed "Snapshots of Service"?  It is all in how I have been trying to describe it to others.  Since each person only winds up with two entries (consisting of two pages each), it really is a snapshot of Peace Corps service at that point of time. There is no back-story like a a blog or run-of-the-mill journal, or even a resolution to a long term issue that may make its way into the journal's pages, just the snippets of information and decoration provided in those few pages.

As of right now, there are 17 people who have signed up for this project (and I am waiting on addresses and last names for a few of you.  Ah-hem *wink*)  That means another 8 more can join the party!  I am looking for people going to countries not listed on the home page sidebar already, for the sake of variety.  If you are interested and your country in already listed, go ahead and e-mail me anyway and if we don't get 8 more different countries found, or yours drops out (hoping this doesn't happen!), you will get bumped into place! If this doesn't happen, I encourage you to try and get one of these projects going amongst yourself and som other volunteers in your country! Maybe we will end up with a Snapshots Series on our hands!  If you decide you want to do this, contact me and I can get your stuff linked up here in this blog so that it is a one stop shop!  I am going to see if there is interest in my Ukraine 41 Group for such a project with some of the PCVs...

To participate in this project, I need you to e-mail the following information to me
 @ k i m b e r l e y r o s e p h o t o @ g m a i l . c o m   (no spaces, I just don't want to get random spam!):

  • First and Last Name
  • Country
  • Assignment
  • Departure Date (Staging)
  • Training Address (Then your Site address once you move to site!)
  • E-mail address you will be using during service
  • Any website you want your name linked to (if any).
Before e-mailing me, please be aware that shipping internationally can be pricey!  Luckily, you will only have to do so twice during service, so it should not cause too much of an inconvenience!

-Kimberley Rose